Also see : Ajax File Upload using jQuery.
Database Table
For the tutorial, I have created a database table called file_records with 5 columns to store file information. Just copy and run following SQL query in your PhpMyAdmin to create file_records database table.
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`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `file_name` varchar(60) NOT NULL, `file_title` varchar(60) NOT NULL, `file_size` int(11) NOT NULL, `uploaded_date` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ; |
Upload Form
HTML code below is simple upload form, it contains two input field, a title box and file browse button to let user choose files from computer. Form tag includes enctype=”multipart/form-data” for binary uploads. I have included a style file to make it look good, you can find it in sample zip fie.
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<head> <title>File Upload with PHP</title> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div id="theForm"> <form action="uploader.php" id="FileUploader" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" > <label>Title <span class="small">Title of the File</span> </label> <input type="text" name="mName" id="mName" /> <label>File <span class="small">Choose a File</span> </label> <input type="file" name="mFile" id="mFile" /> <button type="submit" class="red-button" id="uploadButton">Upload (1MB)</button> <div class="spacer"></div> </form> </div> </body> </html> |
Uploader Page
This PHP page uploads files to server, check for allowed file extensions, empty field and if everything looks good, it stores information in the database table. I have provided comment lines before each PHP codes to help you understand better. Just modify settings text on top, it should start working in your testing server.
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$UploadDirectory = 'uploads/'; //Upload Directory, ends with slash & make sure folder exist $SuccessRedirect = 'success.html'; //Redirect to a URL after success // replace with your mysql database details $MySql_username = "xxx"; //mysql username $MySql_password = "xxx"; //mysql password $MySql_hostname = "localhost"; //hostname $MySql_databasename = 'xxx'; //databasename if (!@file_exists($UploadDirectory)) { //destination folder does not exist die("Make sure Upload directory exist!"); } if($_POST) { if(!isset($_POST['mName']) || strlen($_POST['mName'])<1) { //required variables are empty die("Title is empty!"); } if($_FILES['mFile']['error']) { //File upload error encountered die(upload_errors($_FILES['mFile']['error'])); } $FileName = strtolower($_FILES['mFile']['name']); //uploaded file name $FileTitle = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['mName']); // file title $ImageExt = substr($FileName, strrpos($FileName, '.')); //file extension $FileType = $_FILES['mFile']['type']; //file type $FileSize = $_FILES['mFile']["size"]; //file size $RandNumber = rand(0, 9999999999); //Random number to make each filename unique. $uploaded_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); switch(strtolower($FileType)) { //allowed file types case 'image/png': //png file case 'image/gif': //gif file case 'image/jpeg': //jpeg file case 'application/pdf': //PDF file case 'application/msword': //ms word file case 'application/': //ms excel file case 'application/x-zip-compressed': //zip file case 'text/plain': //text file case 'text/html': //html file break; default: die('Unsupported File!'); //output error } //File Title will be used as new File name $NewFileName = preg_replace(array('/s/', '/.[.]+/', '/[^w_.-]/'), array('_', '.', ''), strtolower($FileTitle)); $NewFileName = $NewFileName.'_'.$RandNumber.$ImageExt; //Rename and save uploded file to destination folder. if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['mFile']["tmp_name"], $UploadDirectory . $NewFileName )) { //connect & insert file record in database /* $dbconn = mysql_connect($MySql_hostname, $MySql_username, $MySql_password)or die("Unable to connect to MySQL"); mysql_select_db($MySql_databasename,$dbconn); @mysql_query("INSERT INTO file_records (file_name, file_title, file_size, uploaded_date) VALUES ('$NewFileName', '$FileTitle',$FileSize,'$uploaded_date')"); mysql_close($dbconn); */ header('Location: '.$SuccessRedirect); //redirect user after success }else{ die('error uploading File!'); } } //function outputs upload error messages, function upload_errors($err_code) { switch ($err_code) { case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: return 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini'; case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: return 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: return 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: return 'No file was uploaded'; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: return 'Missing a temporary folder'; case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: return 'Failed to write file to disk'; case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION: return 'File upload stopped by extension'; default: return 'Unknown upload error'; } } ?> |