Tips dan Trik Modifikasi Registry Windows

Modifikasi registry windows dilakukan untuk keperluan tertentu. Misal, jika anda adalah seorang pengusaha warnet, maka untuk menjaga keamanan komputer-komputer biling anda sebaiknya tidak semua menu di aktifkan. Maksudnya untuk menghindari klien atau pelanggan yang jahil. Repot kalau misalnya komputer jadi eror oleh orang yang ga bertanggung jawab. Konfigurasi registry juga digunakan untuk memaksimalkan kinerja operasi sistem khususnya windows. Banyak program-program tune up yang fungsinya mempercepat proses kerja windows, dengan mengkonfigurasi ulang beberapa list registry.
Ingat, registry adalah ruang control dari sistem operasi windows. Jadi hati-hati dalam mengkonfigurasinya. Berikut tips registry yang sudah saya kumpulkan dengan bermacam-macam fungsinya. Silahkan di copas di notepad buat kepekan icon mrgreen Tips Modifikasi Registry Windows

Kumpulan Tips Registry Windows

Mengganti Wallpaper

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop
Klik ganda pada wallpaper dan masukkan path gambar yang diinginkan pada Value Data.

Mengganti Nama Recycle Bin

Klik ganda pada option (Default value) dan beri nama bare sesuai yang diinginkan pada Value Data.

Memunculkan Rename Pada Recycle Bin

Klik ganda pada Attributes > Edit Binary Value. Pada Value Data, ganti angka tersebut menjadi 0000 50 01 00 20.

Menyembunyikan Recycle Bin

Hapus subkey {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}, kemudian Restart komputer untuk melihat hasilnya.
Untuk memunculkannya kembali, buat kembali kombinasi angka

Menambah Isi Shortcut Menu Pada Recycle Bin

Klik ganda Attributes dan ganti angka di Value Data dengan angka berikut ini:
0000 50 01 00 20 > Rename
0000 60 01 00 20 > Delete
0000 70 01 00 20 > Rename & Delete
0000 41 01 00 20 > Copy
0000 42 01 00 20 > Cut
0000 43 01 00 20 > Copy & Cut
0000 44 01 00 20 > Paste
0000 45 01 00 20 > Copy & Paste
0000 46 01 00 20 > Cut & Paste
0000 47 01 00 20 > Cut, Copy & Paste

Menambah Isi Shortcut Menu Pada Recycle Bin Dengan Menu Pilihan

Klik menu Edit > New > Key dan beri nama yang diinginkan (Misalnya: Go To Windows Explorer).
Dibawah key yang baru tersebut, tekan lagi menu Edit > New > Key dan buat sebuah key baru bernama Command. Klik ganda option (Default), dan pada bagian Value Data, isi dengan path Windows Explorer ( C:WINDOWSExplorer.exe).

Mengembalikan Folder Documents Yang Hilang Di My Computer

Pilih menu Edit > New > String Value dan beri nama sesuai dengan username yang digunakan di Windows (contohnya: Chippers) Klik ganda pada value tersebut dan masukkan path tempat dimana Documents anda berada (contohnya D:Documents)

Menyingkirkan File Stored Dari My Computer

Hapus subkey {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee} dengan menekan tombol Del.

Menyembunyikan My Recent Documents

Klik menu Edit > New > DWORD Value dan beri nama NoRecentDocsMenu.
Kemudian klik ganda pada DWORD Value tersebut, dan berikan angka 1 untuk mengaktifkannya.

Menyembunyikan Menu Find

Klik menu Edit > New > DWORD Value dan beri nama NoFind.
Kemudian klik ganda pada DWORD Value tersebut dan berikan angka 1 untuk mengaktifkannya. Restart komputer.

Menyembunyikan Help And Support

Buatlah sebuah DWORD Value baru – Menu Edit > New > DWORD Value, dan beri nama NoSMHelp.
Kemudian klik ganda pada NoSMHelp dan isi dengan angka 1 pada Value Data. Restart komputer.

Menyembunyikan Menu Run

Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoRun. Klik ganda dan masukkan angka 1 sebagai Value Data.

Menyembunyikan Menu Run Dari Start Menu (2)

Cari value bernama Start_ShowRun, klik ganda dan masukkan angka 0 pada bagian Value Data.

Menyembunyikan Log Off

Klik menu Edit > New > Binary Value dan beri nama NoLogOff.
Klik ganda pada NoLogOff dan masukkan angka 01 00 00 00 pada bagian Value Data.

Menyembunyikan Menu Turn Off Computer

Klik menu Edit > New > DWORD Value dan beri nama NoClose.
Klik ganda NoClose dan beri angka 1 pada Value Data.

Cleartype Pada Logon Screen

HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Control Panel/Desktop
Klik ganda FontSmoothingType dan masukkan angka 2 pada Value Data.

Membuat Tampilan Berbeda Pada Jendela Logon

Klik ganda ColorName dan masukkan teks Metallic pada Value Data.

Menampilkan Administrator Di Welcome Screen

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonSpecialAccountsUserLis t
Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama Administrator.
Klik ganda Administrator dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Login Otomatis

Klik ganda AltDefaultUserName dan masukkan username account yang dipilih.
Klik ganda AutoAdminLogon dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama DefaultPassword.
Klik ganda DefaultPassword dan masukkan password account yang dipilih pada Value Data.

Menyembunyikan Ikon Printer & Faxes dari Start Menu

Cari value bernama Start_ShowPrinters dan berikan angka 0 pada Value Data.

Menyembunyikan Control Panel Dari Start Menu

Cari value bernama Start_ShowControlPanel dan klik ganda pada bagian tersebut.
Masukkan angka 0 pada Value Data.

Menyembunyikan Menu My Pictures Dari Start Menu

Klik ganda pada Start_ShowMyPics dan masukkan angka 0 pada bagian Value Data.

Memunculkan Menu Administrative Tools

Klik ganda pada StartMenuAdminTools dan berikan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Memperkecil Ikon Start Menu

Klik ganda pada Start_LargeMFUIcons dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Menghilangkan Username Pada Start Menu

Pilih Edit > New > DWORD Value dan beri nama NoUserNameInStartMenu.
Klik ganda NoUserNameInStartMenu dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Mencegah Perubahan Menu Start

Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoChangeStartMenu.
Klik ganda NoChangeStartMenu dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Menyembunyikan My Recent Documents

Klik ganda pada Start_ShowRecentDocs dan masukkan angka 0 pada Value Data.

Mengubah Nama Default Shortcut Penting Di Desktop

Klik ganda pada default value pada masing-masing subkey di bawah ini:
My Network Places:
My Computer:
My Documents:
Recycle Bin:
Default IE Icon:
masukkan nama-nama unik sebagai pengganti nama defaultnya.

Menyembunyikan Ikon Di Desktop

Klik ganda pada HideIcons dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Membersihkan Semua Ikon Pada Desktop

Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoDesktop.
Klik ganda pada NoDesktop dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Membuat Desktop Lebih Stabil

Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama DesktopProcess.
Klik ganda DesktopProcess dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Menghapus Daftar Program Dalam Menu Run

Di jendela sebelah kanan, akan terlihat deretan software-software (ditandai secara alphabet a, b, c, d, dan seterusnya).
Untuk menghapusnya, cukup dengan memilih salah satu (atau semua) nama program yang ada dan tekan tombol Del.
Jika muncul jendela konfirmasi untuk penghapusan data, tekan Yes.

Membersihkan Recent Documents

Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoRecentDocsHistory.
Klik ganda pada NoRecentDocsHistory dan masukkan angka 1 pada bagian Value Data.

Menghilangkan Info Tip Pada Ikon Folders Di Desktop

Klik ganda pada FolderContentsInfoTip dengan angka 0.

Mengunci Taskbar

Klik ganda pada TaskBarSizeMove dan masukkan angka 0 pada Value Data.

Menghapus Past Items Icons Pada Taskbar

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerTrayNotify Hapus IconStreams dan PastIconsStream, kemudian buka Task
Manager, pada Tab Processes klik kanan pada explorer.exe dan pilih End Process.
Klik menu File > New Task (Run) dan ketikan kembali explorer dan tekan OK.

Menyembunyikan System Tray

Jika key Explorer belum ada buatlah sebuah DWORD Value bare dan beri nama NoTrayItemsDisplay.
Klik ganda NoTrayItemsDisplay dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Untuk mengembalikan System Tray masukkan angka 0 pada Value Data.

Menonaktifkan Klik-kanan Pada Desktop

Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoViewContextMenu.
Klik ganda pada NoViewContextMenu dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data

Mengubah Waktu Delay Ketika Membuka Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop
Klik ganda pada MenuShowDelay dan ubah angka milidetik yang semula 400 menjadi angka lain. Semakin kecil semakin cepat.

Mengatur Ukuran Ikon Di Desktop Dan Start Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop/WindowMetrics
Klik ganda pada Shell Icon Size dan ubah angka 32 menjadi angka lainnya, misalnya 10.

Mengganti Warna Windows

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Colors
Klik ganda Window dan masukkan kombinasi warna RGB (gunakan
Adobe PhotoShop untuk menemukan kombinasi warna yang sesuai).

Mengganti Warna Teks Dalam Windows

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Colors
Klik ganda WindowText dan masukkan kombinasi warna RGB.

Menghilangkan Tab Screen Saver

Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoDispScrSavPage.
Klik ganda NoDispScrSavPage dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Mengganti Screen Saver Lewat Registry

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop
Klik ganda SCRNSAVE.EXE kemudian masukkan path tempat file Screen Saver yang diinginkan. Contoh: C:WINDOWSScreenSaver.scr

Menonaktifkan Default Screen Saver

HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Control Panel/Desktop
Klik ganda ScreenSaveActive dan masukkan angka 0 pada Value Data.
Untuk mengembalikannya masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Menghilangkan Tanda Anak Panah Pada Ikon Shortcut

Ubah nama IsShortcut menjadi IsShortcuts.

Mengubah Style Wallpaper

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop Klik ganda pada WallpaperStyle dan masukkan angka sebagai berikut di Value Data:
1 > Center
2 > Stretch
3 > Tile

Menonaktifkan Peringatan Low Disk Space

Buatlah sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoLowDiskSpaceChecks.
Klik ganda NoLowDiskSpaceChecks dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Menonaktifkan Menu Properties My Computer

Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoPropertiesMyComputer.
Klik ganda NoPropertiesMyComputer dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoPropertiesMyComputer.
Klik ganda NoPropertiesMyComputer dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Jika key Explorer tidak ada, buat yang baru dengan mengklik menu Edit > New > Key dan beri nama Explorer.

Mengubah Ukuran CoolSwitch

(Coba Tekan Alt+Tab, itulah yang disebut dengan CoolSwitch)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop
HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Control Panel/Desktop
Klik CoolSwitchColumns dan aturlah seberapa panjang CoolSwitch
ini akan ditampilkan dengan memasukkan angka yang diinginkan pada Value Data.
Kemudian klik CoolSwitchRows dan lakukan hal yang serupa.

Menonaktifkan Fungsi CoolSwitch

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop
HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Control Panel/Desktop
Klik ganda pada CoolSwitch dan masukkan angka 0.

Menonaktifkan Animasi Pada Windows XP

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop/WindowMetrics
Klik ganda pada MinAnimate dan masukkan angka 1 untuk menonaktifkan, dan 0 untuk mengaktifkannya kembali.

Mengubah Tombol Kiri Menjadi Tombol Kanan Pada Mouse

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Mouse
Klik ganda pada SwapMouseButtons dan beri angka 1 pada Value Data.

Mengubah Gulungan Baris Pada Scroll Mouse

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop
Klik ganda WheelScrollLines masukkan angka yang diinginkan (sesuai dengan baris yang hendak digulung) pada Value Data.

Menyembunyikan System Properties Pada Control Panel

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/don’t load
Buatlah sebuah String Value baru dan beri nama sysdm.cpl.
Klik ganda sysdm.cpl dan masukkan input Yes pada bagian Value Data.

Menonaktifkan Display Properties

Pada bagian subkey Policies, buat sebuah key baru dengan carat Edit > New > Key dan beri nama System.
Kemudian di subkey System, buatlah sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoDispCPL.
Klik ganda NoDispCPL dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Mengatur Kecepatan Repeat Rate Keyboard

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Keyboard
Klik ganda KeyboardSpeed dan masukkan nilai yang diinginkan. Semakin tinggi angkanya, semakin cepat pula Repeat Rate-nya.

Teks Bergaris Bawah Pada Notepad

Klik ganda lfUnderline dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Mode Word Wrap Pada Notepad

Klik ganda fWrap dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Status Bar Pada Notepad

Klik ganda StatusBar dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

DVD Di Windows Media Player

Pilih menu Edit > New > String Value dan beri nama DVDUI.
Klik ganda DVDUI dan masukkan teks Yes pada Value Data.

Menambah Identitas Windows Media Player

Klik Edit > New > Key dan beri nama WindowsMediaPlayer.
Klik Edit > New > String Value dan beri nama TitleBar.
Klik ganda TitleBar dan masukkan teks yang diinginkan pada Value Data.

Mengubah Tombol Stop Menjadi Tombol Play Pada Windows Media Player

Klik ganda onclick dan masukkan teks pada Value Data.

Memilih Pemutar CD Audio Default

Klik ganda (Default) dan masukkan path software yang anda
inginkan sebagai pemutar CD Audio secara default.
Misalnya: C:Program FilesWindows Media Playerwmplayer.exe

Mengembalikan Akses Ke CD-ROM

Setelah menguninstall sebuah program pembakar CD, adakalanya CD-ROM tidak bisa lagi diakses, solusinya:
Hapus subkey LowerFilters dan UpperFilters dengan menekan tombol Del.

Memperkecil Ukuran Thumbnail Untuk Windows Explorer

Pilih menu Edit > New > Binary Value dan beri nama ThumbnailSize.
Klik ganda ThumbnailSize dan masukkan angka 20 pada Value Data.

Membuat Shortcut Menu Pribadi Di Windows Explorer

Pilih Edit > New > Key dan beri nama Winamp sebagai contohnya.
Klik ganda option (Default) disisi kanan registry editor dan masukkan teks Winamp.
Klik subkey Winamp dan pilih menu Edit > New > Key dan beri nama Command.
Klik ganda option (Default) dan masukkan path C:Program
FilesWinampWinamp.exe pada Value Data.

Enkripsi Melalui Menu Konteks

Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama EncryptionContextMenu.
Klik ganda EncryptionContextMenu dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Mengganti Ikon Pada Drives

Jika belum ada, pilih Edit > New > Key dan beri nama sesuai dengan drive yang diinginkan [contohnya: C untuk drive C:]
Pada value tersebut, buat sebuah Key baru lagi dan beri nama Default Icon.
Klik ganda option (Default) dan masukkan path tempat ikon berada (contohnya: D:DocumentsC Drive Icon.ico)

Menyembunyikan Drive

Pilih Edit > New > DWORD Value dan beri nama NoDrives.
Klik ganda NoDrives dan tentukan drive mana yang ingin dihilangkan pada Value Data.
Contoh: jika ingin menghilangkan drive E:, masukkan angka 16 pada Value Data.
Kombinasi angka pada Value Data adalah sebagai berikut:
A: > 1
B: > 2
C: > 4
D: > 8
E: > 16
F: > 32
G: > 64
H: > 128
I: > 256
J: > 512
K: > 1024
L: > 2048
M: > 4096
Semua: > 67108863

Membuat Tip Of The Day Windows Explorer

Untuk mengaktifkannya buka Windows Explorer kemudian pilih menu View > Explorer Bar > Tip of the Day.
Di jendela sebelah kanan akan terlihat deretan tip-tip yang tersimpan dalam value 0 – 49.
Dua hal yang bisa dilakukan adalah mengganti tip-tip yang dengan klik ganda masing-masing value dengan teks yang diinginkan.
Kedua adalah menambah tip-tip baru dimulai dengan urutan setelah value 49 (misalnya 50 dst.).
Pilih Edit > New > String Value dan beri nama berbentuk angka yang melanjutkan angka terakhir pada tip (misalnya 50 dst.).
Klik ganda pada value yang baru tersebut dan isikan dengan teks yang diinginkan pada Value Data.

Menyembunyikan Advanced Settings Pada Folder Options Windows Explorer

Dibawah key Explorer akan ditemukan subkey bernama Advanced.
Klik kanan dan pilih Rename. Ubah nama Advanced menjadi Advancedx.

Kode Curang Bermain Game Hearts

Klik menu Edit > New > Key dan beri nama Hearts.
Klik menu Edit > New > String Value dan beri nama ZB dan isikan angka 42 pada Value Data.
Buka game Hearts pada Start Menu > All Programs > Games.
Setelah memasukkan nama pemain, tekan kombinasi tombol berikut:
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F12 dan semua kartu akan terbuka.

Membersihkan Sampah Registry

Pilih salah satu subkey yang merupakan nama software yang ingin dihapus, kemudian tekan tombol Del.

Membersihkan Sampah Uninstall

Hapus subkey yang memiliki nama yang sama dengan software yang telah di-uninstall.

Menghapus Daftar Program Yang Tidak Diinginkan Dari Add/Remove Programs

CurrentVersion Uninstall
Hapus subkey yang berisikan program yang tidak diinginkan dengan menekan tombol Del.

Menjalankan Program Saat StartUp

Pilih menu Edit > New > String Value dengan nama Winamp misalnya.
Klik ganda pada value tersebut dan masukkan path tempat program tersebut terinstall (C:Program FilesWinampWinamp.exe).

Menghapus StartUp Items Di MSCONFIG

Klik Start > Run > ketik msconfig, kemudian klik pada tab startup, hilangkan tanda centang pada program yang ingin dihapus dari daftar startup.
Hapus subkey yang berisikan program-program yang tidak diinginkan dengan menekan tombol Del.

Mempercepat Proses Shutdown Windows XP

Klik ganda WaitToKillServiceTimeout dan ubah nilainya menjadi lebih rendah dari 2000.

Mengganti AM Dan PM Menjadi Pagi Dan Sore

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/International
Klik ganda s1159 dan ubah teks AM dengan PAGI.
klik ganda s2359 dan ubah teks PM dengan SORE.

Menonaktifkan Fungsi AutoRun

Klik ganda NoDriveTypeAutoRun dan masukkan angka 95 pada Value Data.

Mematikan Secara Otomatis Program Not Responding

HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Control Panel/Desktop
Klik ganda AutoEndTasks dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Memunculkan Option My Computer Yang Tersembunyi

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings/Zones/0
Klik ganda Flags kemudian ganti menjadi Decimal dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Menonaktifkan Fungsi New Window Di Internet Explorer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Policies/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Restrictions
Buat sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoOpeninNewWnd.
Klik ganda NoOpeninNewWnd dan masukkan 1 pada Value Data.

Mengganti Background Toolbar Internet Explorer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Toolbar
Pilih menu Edit > New > String Value dan beri nama BackBitmap.
Klik ganda BackBitmap dan isikan dengan path tempat Gambaro bitmap (.bmp) yang akan menjadi background toolbar berada pada Value Data.
Contohnya: C:WINDOWSWallpaper.bmp

Mengganti Versi Internet Explorer

Untuk mengetahui versi Internet Explorer yang dimiliki: Help > About Internet Explorer pada browser Internet Explorer.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet Explorer
Klik ganda Version dan masukkan angka yang diinginkan pada Value Data.

Mengecek ProductID Internet Explorer

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Registration
Lihat ProductID pada key ProductId, pada value tersebut akan tercatat berapa ProductID Internet Explorer yang digunakan.

Mode Full Screen Pada Internet Explorer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main
Klik ganda FullScreen dan masukkan teks Yes pada Value Data.

Mengganti Title Internet Explorer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main
Pilih menu Edit > New > String Value dan beri nama Window Title.
Klik ganda Window Title dan masukkan teks yang diinginkan pada Value Data.

Membersihkan Daftar URL Pada Internet Explorer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/TypedURLs
Hapus value url1, url2 dan seterusnya dengan menekan tombol Del.

Menyembunyikan Tombol Go Pada Internet Explorer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main
Pilih menu Edit > New > String Value dan beri nama ShowGoButton.
Klik ganda ShowGoButton dan masukkan angka 0 pada Value Data.

Mengganti Nama Ikon Internet Explorer

Klik ganda pada value (Default) disamping kanan, masukkan teks yang diinginkan pada Value Data.

Menambahkan Domain .Gov Pada Pencarian Website

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main/UrlTemplate
Pilih Edit > New > String Value dan beri nama dengan angka yang merupakan kelanjutan dari angka-angka yang sudah ada.
Klik ganda pada value tersebut dan ketik pada Value Data.

Tweaking Memory Pada Windows XP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/Memory Management
Klik ganda pada DisablePagingExecutive dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Apabila diaktifkan,Windows tidak akan melakukan paging file ke dalam hard disk. Sistem operasi dan program-program menjadi lebih responsif. Disarankan untuk komputer yang memiliki memori lebih dari 128MB.
Klik ganda pada LargeSystemCache dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Jika diaktifkan, sistem akan mengalokasikan seluruh memori (kecuali 4 MB untuk disk caching) untuk file caching. Komputer akan melakukan caching kernel XP di dalam memory sehingga Windows XP dapat berjalan lebih cepat.

Unload .dll Untuk Mempercepat Akses Memori

Pilih menu Edit > New > Key dan beri nama AlwaysUnloadDLL.
Pada option Default Value masukkan angka 1.

Menghapus Pagefile Saat Shut Down

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetContro lSession ManagerMemory Management
Klik ganda ClearPageFileAtShutdown dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Memindahkan Pagefile

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/SessionManager/Memory Management
Klik ganda PagingFiles kemudian ganti path ke lokasi baru yang
diinginkan. Misalnya: D:pagefile.sys 1024 1024

Mengembalikan Fungsi Search Kedalam Tampilan Lama

Pilih menu Edit > New > String Value dan beri nama UseSearchAsst.
Klik ganda UseSearchAsst dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.

Menyembunyikan Device Manager

Pilih menu Edit > New > Key dan beri nama System.
Di subkey System buatlah sebuah DWORD Value baru dan beri nama NoDevMgrPage.
Klik ganda NoDevMgrPage dan masukkan angka 1 pada Value Data.
Credit to X-Code

Trik dan Trik Mengetik Cepat 10 jari

Bayangkan bila kamu harus menyelesaikan setumpuk ketikan sedang cara mengetik kamu masih mengandalkan 11 jari alias 2 jari telunjuk. Sudah pegal, makan waktu lama pula. Paling yang ada dalam pikiran membawa setumpuk ketikan itu ke rental komputer. Tinggal bayar sekian ribu dan selesai. Biarpun harus mengeluarkan krocek untuk jasa ketik, yang penting tugas selesai.
Itu artinya kamu termasuk orang yang malas. Pengenya terima beres.. Padahal jika kamu ingin mempelajarinya, mengetik bakal menjadi pekerjaan yang menyenangkan. Yup…seperti pengalaman saya dulu. Melihat temen yang mengetiknya cepet banget 10 jari, jadi termotivasi buat ngalahinnya. Akhirnya saya tekad pelajarinya. Harus bisa, terbukti ga sampai 1 minggu saya sudah hapal posisi huruf2 keyboard dan ngetik tanpa harus melihat keyboad lagi, hanya melihat buku yang ingin diketik, monitorpun hanya dilirik sekali2. Karena begitu kita sudah terbiasa ngetik 10 jari, ketika ada kesalahan, reflek tau walaupun ga liat monitor.
Nah bagaimana tips jitunya mengetik 10 jari? Coba perhatikan tips di bawah ini.

Tips Jitu Cara Mengetik 10 Jari

tips ngetik 10 jari 600x249 Tips Jitu Cara Mengetik 10 Jari
tips mengetik 10 jari
Tempat yg hrus di tempati leh jari2 kita adalah:
1 Dari kelingking sampai dengan telunjuk tangan kiri,,berturut-turut ditempatkan pada tuts A S D F
2. Dari telunjuk sampai dengan kelingking tangan kanan,,berturut- turut ditempatkan pada J K L
3. Tuts G dan H dikosongkan ,,karena tuts ini sebagai basis control penempatan jari qta..
4. Kedua ibu jari kita letakkan pada bilah spasi…
langkah pertama ini sebagai letak posisi jari kita ketika sedang dlam keadaan siaga..
Langkah selanjutnya adalah pembagian tugas dr stiap jri2 qta..
Banyak sumber yg mengatakan stiap jari2 kita mempunyai tugas pada tuts tertentu..agar jari2 qta tau tugasnya msing2 ketika akan mengetik.. Jangan sampe ada monopoli tugas..alias semua tuts hanya dilakukan oleh satu jari..Sudah paten untuk kenyamanan saat menekan tuts.

Tugas-Tugas Jari Untuk Mengetik 10 Jari

Inilah tugas dr jari2 qta:
Tangan kiri :Tangan kanan :
Kelingking : QAJari manis : WSZ
Jari tengah : EDX
Jari telunjuk : RTFGCV
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Tips dan Trik Mengatasi “USB Device Not Recognized”

Pesan USB Device Not Recognized biasanya terjadi ketika adanya gangguan dari Host controller hardware, Attached hubs, Attached devices, USB driver version, Support for USB 2.0. USB Flashdisk adalah termasuk perangkat yang sangat rawan terhadap perubaha arus listrik dan juga gangguan listrik statis. Jika saja ada kebocoran arus sedikit saja dalam casing yang akhirnya menjalar ke flashdisk, maka USB Flashdisk bisa mengalami malfungsi.
Pesan error USB Device Not Recognized yang muncul di windows XP terjadi disebabkan adana kesalahan instalasi driver. Yakni saat perangkat USB ditancapkan pada komputer/laptop atau mungkin saat proses instalasi otomatis driver USB tidak terinstal dengan benar. Justru menimbulkan kerusakan fatal pada driver USB lain.
Dibawah ini ada Beberapa Solusi yang bisa anda terapkan untuk mengatasi masalah pesan error “USB Device Not Recognized

USB Device Not Recognized

USB Device Not Recognized Tips Mengatasi USB Device Not Recognized
USB Device Not Recognized
  1. Gunakan Device Manager untuk melakukan Scan guna menemukan hardware baru atau informasi perubahan hardware. Untuk melakukannya, Klik Start > Run > Ketik “devmgmt.msc” (tanpa tanda kutip). Dari Menu Action, pilih “Scan for Hardware Changes“. Pilihan ini akan mengaktifkan deteksi hardware Windows untuk menemukan perangkat yang baru diinstall. Setelah selesai, tutup semua Device Manager dan Control Panel. Perhatikan apakah perangkat USB sudah berhasil terdeteksi.
    USB Device Not Recognized 2 Tips Mengatasi USB Device Not Recognized
  2. Jika cara diatas belum berhasil, silahkan Disable fasilitas Power Management of the USB Root hub. Untuk melakukannya, ikuti langkah berikut :
    • Klik Start > Run > Ketik “devmgmt.msc” (tanpa tanda kutip yah) dan Klik Ok.
    • Tampilkan semua entri pada bagian Universal Serial Bus Controller, kemudian ikuti langkah berikut untuk setiap USB Root Hub yang tersedia.
    • Klik kanan USB Root Hub > Klik Propertiesusb root hub properties Tips Mengatasi USB Device Not Recognized
    • Klik Tab Power Managementdisable power management Tips Mengatasi USB Device Not Recognized
    • Hilangkan tanda centang pada pilihan check box “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power”, klik Ok.
  3. Jika dari dua solusi diatas belum bisa menyelesaikan masalah anda, silahkan anda putuskan CPU dari arus listrik apapun selama beberapa saat. Matikan komputer, cabut baterai (untuk laptop), atau mencabut daya listrik (untuk desktop), cabut perangkat USB Anda berikut semua kabel power yang masuk ke CPU dan Monitor. Tunggu 20 sampai 30 menit kemudian hidupkan seperti biasa. Dari sebagian besar kasus, cara ini terbukti ampuh. Namun Terkadang port USB yang longgar dan sudah terdapat Kerusakan pada port USB bisa juga menjadi salah satu penyebab gagalnya deteksi hardware USB.
Untuk rekomendasi anda bisa menggunakan cara yang ketiga. Karena dirasa lebih ampung dalam mengatasi USB Device Not Recognized. Tips kali ini saya ambil dari arifpoetrayunar. Silahkan kunjungi blognya untuk mendapatkan tips2 lainnya.
Semoga tips mengatasi USB Device Not Recognized di atas bermanfaat.

Sofware Total Uninstall v5.10 Full Version Gratis

Total Uninstall v5.10 – Kali ini saya akan berbagi software yang lumayan mantap untuk dikoleksi. Software yang fungsinya me-remove program yang ingin anda buang (uninstall). Namanya Total Uninstall v5.10. Kalau kita hanya mengandalkan fitur add/remove program bawaan windows mungkin masih saja file-file yang tersisa tidak ikut terbuang. Efek negatifnya, file-file yang tak berguna menumpuk dan terus bertambah di system windows mengakibatkan komputer menjadi lambat alias lelet. (baca juga Tips Mempercepat Booting Windows XP)
Nah Total Uninstall v5.10 bisa menjadi software alternativ untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Menggunakan tools ini file-file bawaan program yang anda buang akan bersih terhapus tak bersisa.

Total Uninstall v5.10

 Total Uninstall v5.10 Full Version Gratis
  • Accurate progress for restore process.
  • Restore process can be canceled without delay.
  • Can backup and restore programs bigger than 4GB.
  • Several interface translations are updated.
  • Main form can be resized to a smaller size.
  • Extra safety checks in the program analyzer.
Silahkan download Total Uninstall v5.10 pada link dibawah ini. (thanks to zilan)
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Saat instalasi putuskan koneksi internet terlebih dahulu. Jangan lupa untuk set update ke manual setelah anda selesai registrasinya. Selamat mendownload Total Uninstall v5.10 Full Version Gratis semoga bermanfaat!

Tips Modifikasi Windows XP Driver SATA Dengan Nlite

Tips kita kali ini adalah bagaimana memodifikasi windows XP dengan mengintegrasikan driver SATA AHCI ke dalam installer windows XP. Untuk laptop-laptop baru saat ini kebanyakan menggunakan hardisk SATA. OS windows  yang kompatible dengan itu hanya dimiliki oleh OS di atas Windows XP (Windows 7 atau Vista). Tapi tidak untuk XP. Jadi bagi para pecinta Windows XP yang masih keberatan untuk berpindah ke windows yang lain, bisa menggunakan tips berikut untuk menghindari gagalnya proses instalasi. Biasanya muncul Blue Screen saat instalasi berlangsung.
Sebelum kita melakukan langkah-langkahnya, siapkan dulu beberapa perangkat yang nanti kita perlukan antara lain:
1. nLite, Software yang akan kita gunakan untuk memodifikasi windows XP.
Download nLite
2. Driver SATA. Untuk driver sata, silahkan download di web resmi sesuai dengan merk laptop anda. Bisa anda gunakan pencarian di google dengan kata kunci “type laptop  sata driver download,  misal Asus k40in sata driver download
Nah kalau sudah dipersiapkan semua, sekarang ikuti langkah-langkah integrasi driver SATA ke dalam CD Instalasi Windows XP dengan menggunakan nLite berikut:

Langkah integritas driver sata ke Windows XP

  • Masukkan CD Instalasi Windows XP Anda dan copy semua isi di dalamnya ke dalam sebuah folder. Saya beri nama folder ini “WinXp”.
  • Extract driver SATA yang telah Anda download ke dalam sebuah folder. Beri nama “Driver SATA”
  • Jalankan nLite > pilih “Next”.
langkah 1 600x475 Cara Modifikasi Windows XP Driver SATA Dengan Nlite
  • Selanjutnya, Browse dan temukan folder tempat Anda tadi menyalin isi CD. Saya tadi memberi nama “WinXp”.
modif xp langkah 2 600x475 Cara Modifikasi Windows XP Driver SATA Dengan Nlite
  • Pilih “Next”, tunggu beberapa saat agar komputer selesai memindai seluruh file Instalasi Windows. Klik “Next” sekali lagi dan Anda akan masuk ke bagian “Presets”. Abaikan dan pilih “Next”.
modif xp langkah 3 600x475 Cara Modifikasi Windows XP Driver SATA Dengan Nlite
  • Dalam “Task Selection”, pastikan Anda memilih “Drivers” dan “Bootable ISO” dengan meng-klik kedua pilihan ini. Akhiri dengan klik “Next”.
modif xp langkah 4 600x475 Cara Modifikasi Windows XP Driver SATA Dengan Nlite
  • Pilih “Insert” > “Single driver”
modif xp langkah 5 600x475 Cara Modifikasi Windows XP Driver SATA Dengan Nlite
  • Browse dan temukan folder tempat tadi Anda menyimpan driver SATA (saya beri nama “Driver SATA”) dan pilih salah satu file dengan ekstensi .INF. Untuk Vostro 1200 saya pilih “iaahci.inf”.
modif xp langkah 6 Cara Modifikasi Windows XP Driver SATA Dengan Nlite
  • Selanjutnya akan muncul jendela seperti di bawah ini. Pastikan Anda memilih “Textmode driver” dan pilih juga semua driver dengan menean tombol CTRL+A dan akhiri dengan “OK”
modif xp langkah 7 Cara Modifikasi Windows XP Driver SATA Dengan Nlite
  • Anda Akan melihat jendela seperti dibawah ini. Pilih “Next” dan akan muncul konfirmasi.
modif xp langkah 8 600x475 Cara Modifikasi Windows XP Driver SATA Dengan Nlite
  • Pilih “Yes” Untuk memulai proses Slipstreaming.
  • Biarkan hingga selesai kemudian pilih “Next”.
  • Sampai di sini, pada pilihan Mode Anda dapat memilih dua hal; pertama, membuat image CD dalam bentuk ISO untuk kemudian di-burn dengan program Burning khusus (misal: Nero), atau kedua, langsung melakukan burning langsung ke CD-R under “Mode”. Saya pilih “Make ISO” agar saya punya kopian Image Windows yang saya buat sebagai backup. Anda boleh memasukkan nama apapun ke dalam “Label” tapi jangan terlalu panjang. Saya pilih nama WINXP_SATA atau semacamnya. Klik tombol “Make ISO”, kemudian akan muncul jendela untuk menentukan tempat penyimpanan file ISO, Pilih dan “Save”.
modif xp langkah 9 600x475 Cara Modifikasi Windows XP Driver SATA Dengan Nlite
Tunggu hingga selesai dan pilih “Next”.
Klik “Finish” untuk keluar dari nLite
modif xp langkah 10 600x475 Cara Modifikasi Windows XP Driver SATA Dengan Nlite
Jika anda mengikuti dengan benar tutorial diatas, saya yakin akan berhasil. Jadi, tolong dibaca dengan teliti jangan ada yang terlewatkan, karena bisa mengakibatkan gagalnya proses instalasi (Blue Screen). Semoga tutorial Cara Modifikasi Windows XP Driver SATA Dengan Nlite diatas bermanfaat -
Baca juga Instal Instal XP Via Flashdisk Step by Step
thanks to

Avoiding dental issues in order to save your teeth

If an individual is going through any dental health issue, it is advisable to see the dental professional straight away so proper treatment could be given. Oral treatment should also be used to avoid these complaints. There are a lot of dental hygiene items available for sale these days therefore start fixing your gums as well as teeth prior to it being past too far. Normal brushing and flossing are simply fundamental routines for sustaining healthy tooth, gums and general mouth wellness.
Additionally, you may also rinse with mouth wash from time to time, nevertheless, be careful in choosing this kind of product because some are extremely harsh which instead of helping keep the mouth healthy, might do the contrary. Another reason for gum issues is teeth meeting the incorrect manner whenever chewing. This can cause additional tension and pressure is also placed on the teeth that come together before all other teeth meet. This will make the surrounding bone too thin and not in a position to support the tooth securely in place. This affects encircling gum tissues and may trigger abrasions. Jagged as well as loose teeth should be referred to a dental professional for proper treatment to prevent further hurt to gum tissues.
A deep cleansing method, also known as scaling, to cure gum disease might be performed. This involves scraping tartar off the gum line. After washing the teeth and all the areas affected, the top has been smoothened in order to be in a position to permit the teeth and gums to be normal again. Once the germs invade the gums and bones, pockets may develop.
If not detected in early stages this is really the procedure the dental professional has to do to clean the pockets. In the event that during the cleaning process the dental professional sees that bacteria has seeped within the roots, managing germs build up may need antibiotic therapy. This helps control infection caused by gum disease.
Each cause of dental health problem requires a different treatment. If the root cause is really gum disease, then start caring for your oral health. You will find natural cures and loose teeth remedy that you can exercise in between your visits with your dentist. If the issue is nevertheless in its early stages, light massage on the gums every morning as well as prior to going to bed can help cure loose teeth.  You can also dip your finger towards the mixture of table salt along with a touch of turmeric, or mustard oil as well as salt, and massage it towards the gums.
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The Research Into the Latest Supplements for Energy

Within today’s polluted society will be very taxing on the body. While the body benefits exceptionally from fruit and vegetables, to cope with all the chemicals about us the body requirements particular supplements.
Most supplements turn into very expensive urine. This particular can be a very vital point. Carbon dioxide, exhaust fumes, putrid invisible gases as well as boron (the chemical that leaks into buildings from bricks) poison our bodies on a daily basis. We require extra support to counter this.
Want to know how to counteract all the wastes the body has to take in? Chlorophyll can be the substance that causes the tinnitus treatment green coloration in plants as well as vegetables. It can be similar to hemoglobin in the blood except for a single molecule. Green vegetables, especially leafy greens, shoot the highest energetic nutrients into the body.
There is a single supplement that has high concentrated source of chlorophyll. This supplement also contains Vitamins The, C, E, K as well as B including B12 and B17 (these two are particularly significant because it’s been suggested which it is not simple to get vitamin B12 on a vegetarian diet. B17 can be significant simply because of the latest research which suggests possible benefits it provides on particular types of cancers). It also contains every single known mineral, within organic form (on Day 2 we talked about the importance of obtaining organic minerals). That’s every single known mineral needed by the body. Many of these are extremely hard to get. It also has every known trace mineral. A right phenomenon. It considered the wonder tinnitus treatment food. It will be tasteless within a glass of fruit juice. It is a lot better than its name suggests. This will be Wheatgrass. Don’t be mistaken, this particular will be far different from wheat – the most significant point will be that Wheatgrass does not contain gluten.
Have you ever seen or come across the latest craze for Omega 3 Fats? They are also known as Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids. If you haven’t seen it yet, we will very soon. Several scientists are linking them utilizing everything your own body requirements, everything from weight loss to skin shine. One challenge can be which the body can’t store Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Omega 3 is made from a substance called ALA (alpha-lipoic acid). ALA may be stored by the body. Linseed is packed full of ALA, or basically the building blocks of essential fantastic fats. These fats are fantastic fats, because opposed to the excess weight that comes from terrible fats. Scientists are now finding that brilliant fats will push out terrible fats from the body. Linseed is not green; but it is very powerful, so we’ve included it here.
Remember you get most of the nutrients from tinnitus treatment fruits and vegetables.

Recognizing Gum Disease

Gum disease or just periodontal disease is simple for your dentist to diagnose by uncovering common gum disease symptoms, but in its first stages, also known as gingivitis, it can be unseen to the human eye. That means it can reside within the mouth for years, soundlessly consuming away in the tooth enamel as well as destroying the gums. Because of the difficulty related to detecting gum disease, an effective oral hygiene plot is very vital. But there are some tell tale indicators that should excite your suspicions.
The obvious sign can be bleeding gums. Gums also can become red looking and then enlarged. Another sign is stinky breath. If you notice that the teeth tend to be loose or perhaps that spaces are building between the teeth and gums, that is certainly a chance to consider a remedy. Only a specialist dentist can ascertain the level of hurt made by gum disease and also determining exactly what the best degree of cure may be.
In the event the hurt isn’t too terrible, it might simply become a case of adding a mouthwash towards your dental hygiene routine along with typical cleaning as well as flossing. It is likewise likely introducing some all-natural foodstuffs with anti-oxidant as well as anti-inflammatory elements. Green tea extract, peppermint, tea tree oil and also cranberry juice are a excellent way to obtain these components. All except for tea tree oil could be drank. It is advisable to have a bottle of tea tree oil to hand and then use a drop of it with a glass of drinking water, and then drink.
If your symptoms are of the more serious variety, it will be recommended to have far more serious action. This requires either non-surgical or surgical procedure to get rid of the gum disease, while how effective the procedure is depends on the level of hurt. The dentist can recommend non-surgical treatment. This requires a serious cleanse when the dentist utilizes expert methods to clean plague out of the inside of the gum.
Surgical procedure is more distressing and may have 2 forms: tissue graft or just flap surgery. Flap surgery involves pulling back the gums and eliminating plague from the inside of the gum and around the tooth base. Tissue graft involves changing the tissue which has been harmed to enable it to regrow and re-grow, filling out the pockets round the teeth.
It is additionally achievable to help improve oral surgical procedures with aesthetic treatments just like crown lengthening. An even more modern choice is laser therapy although this is quite possibly the most pricey approach to combat the hurt brought on by gum disease.

Is it value considering invisalign?

Medical technology improves the lives of folks by increasing chances of survival, increasing possibility of enjoying life to the fullest, solving medical difficulties to restore health and through reducing pain. Nowadays, discoveries in medicine and oral health help patients delight in life more by restoring health along with improving appearance. The difficulty is when there are options. For instance, there are options of ancient dental braces and Invisaligns. It is value asking whether the choice of invisalign is value the cost and investment or has edges compared to alternative technologies. Invisalign Los Angeles refers to teeth aligners that are used for the purpose of aligning teeth and settling dental-related inconsistencies.
Invisalign is a medical procedure through that one gets teeth aligners customized consistent with ones wants and appearance. It’s a modern medical technology that solves teeth misalignment in an innovative manner. It is price mentioning at this stage that some medical innovations are initiated by need to curb problems with recent solutions in addition to solving new problems realized. For example Invisalign come back with edges that make one choose them compared to traditional braces.
Allow us to examine some of the challenges with ancient braces. Braces are uncomfortable to wear and there have been challenges to expect concerning food to eat. Being irremovable, one was restricted eating particular foods because they would have teeth decay. Invisalign technology helps solve these problems as a result of Invisaligns are removable. This means one can take any food and shortly take away them for washing. In addition, since they’re custom made, patients are a heap of comfy with Invisaligns than braces. Click here for Los Angeles Dentist.
Braces would conjointly shorten teeth roots, but Invisaligns eliminate this problem. The fact that they eliminate these difficulties suggests that they’re value considering. Additionally, the fact that they are removable means folks carrying them will check their hygiene. They’ll clean them as several times as possible.
Another question is whether or not there are challenges of Invisaligns and whether or not the challenges are manageable therefore as to not wane down the benefits. This could make potential purchasers still select them. The primary thing in the list is that the cost. The advantages of Invisaligns come back at a cost. They are bought at the next value than braces or different traditional methods. For more info Los Angeles Invisalign.
Nevertheless, Invisaligns are still accessible and cheaper than ever before. Nowadays, several people will get them as a result of their costs have gone down compared to when the technology first emerged. But, the benefits make them worthy while they’re more costly.
Immediately, the technology emerged. Invisaligns were accessible in developed countries, but not anymore. Several countries have access to them, most likely as a result of of reduction in medical procedures, acceptability of the technology as a higher technique of solving teeth misalignment and reduction in pricing.
The thought of being removable will not present a wholesome advantage. It suggests that they might be misplaced. So, those carrying them should make sure after removal. In addition, care is necessary because they come at a better cost and replacement is hard.
Another issue with Invisaligns is that clenching and grinding might injury them. This could happen when wearers are sleeping. This additionally increases the chances that you may incur a heap of costs in replacing them. But, necessary care and caution can avoid grinding, clenching and misplacement, and your Invisaligns can last longer.

The Best Assistance from Quit Smoking Reviews

It is common knowledge for all tobacco and cigarette smokers that the continued use of these death sticks triggers numerous injurious personal effects to their health, as pointed out in stop smoking reviews on the web. The misleading information most smokers believe is the myth that prejudicial health issues only appear after long-term use. Convinced of their invincibility in the small term, smokers place aside the need to stop smoking. The reality is this :  The moment an individual smokes, it immediately takes its toll on nearly each organ in that smoker’s body. Furthermore, stop smoking today reviews point to smoking as the culprit of most types of cancer and all deaths arising from cancer as effects of smoking .
Heavy  or chain smokers carry fantastic risks of contracting severe health issues such as : lung disease, heart disease, cataracts, stroke, and hip breaks, to name just a few. The need to stop smoking is not only essential, but more importantly, urgent. Smoking cessation reduces the risk of developing and dying from the diseases enlisted above, as stressed by top stop smoking reviews. Pregnant women who smoke encounter many problems such as : premature delivery as well as giving birth to infants that are of substandard weight, a recent stop smoking review reports. Another alarming finding from the same quit smoking today reviews highlights the incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) to cigaret or tobacco use by pregnant women throughout the course of their pregnancy. Nicotine addicts have to realize the demage that they cause not only to themselves but also to the persons near  them through 2nd hand smoke. Stop smoking reviews reveal that approximately 438,000 people lose their lifes of premature deaths in the United States because of smoking and exposure to cigarette smoke.
The chemical elements  in tobacco smoke was found to generate huge harm to smokers and 2nd hand smokers likewise, as indicated in reliable stop smoking reviews. Surveys  have been conducted to learn the toxic chemicals found in tobacco smoke. Out of the 4,000 chemical components in cigaret smoke, 250 are classified as toxic to human life, pointed out by a stop smoking today review online. Furthermore, out of the 250 toxic components, more than 50 of them are cancer-causing namely : chromium, arsenic, benzene, cadmium, ethylene oxide, nickel, polonium 210, and vinyl chloride. All these information can be verified from numerous top quit smoking reviews online.
Yes, all these may be terrible news to smokers but as an favorable  fact  to those who want to quit the dependency to nicotine, as soon as you quit smoking, the health benefits you gain are IMMEDIATE. Stop smoking today reviews show INSTANT blood pressure improvement as well as heart rate after smoking cessation. After some hours of quiting the terrible habit, your blood’s carbon monoxide levels radically decline. These are not fabricated bits of info. You are able to check the rigour of these assertions from top stop smoking reviews online. Be encouraged that if smoking cessation brings instant health benefits, permanently quitting from smoking brings greater rewards to your health  .
As shown in stop smoking help reviews and reports, clinical studies have stressed that those who quit smoking at age 30 reduce the incidence of death caused by diseases related to cigarettes  by as much as ninety%. Generally, a individual who quits the terrible habit of smoking, regardless of age, lessens his chances of dying from diseases including cancer, as shown in quit smoking today reviews on the internet. It is vital to keep the excellent habit to experience the most improvements to your health.
Quit smoking reviews reveal that most smokers sincerely desire to quit the habit. But, the most widely used methods such as cold turkey and cutting down slowly carries withdrawal symptoms that are more hard to process. Will power does not come naturally to most people, especially long-time smokers. Using pharmacological methods such as medication carry serious side effects to health as well. Stop smoking today reviews extremely recommend the consideration of non-pharmacological methods to quit the smoking habit for excellent.
The internet is home to many quit smoking reviews, which provide info on smoking cessation. These quit smoking today reviews point out new methods that are non-invasive and are proven to free the smoker from his shackles. One of the best resources on the internet is . The web site is packed with useful data on breakthrough smoking cessation programs that help a smoker to break free from his nicotine habit. You don’t have to wait another moment  to quit smoking. Embark on  your new journey  towards a new healthier lifestyle today.

Periodontitis together with adults above 40

Did you know that several US adults over 40 years of age are suffering from periodontitis? Gum diseases starts off with a simple inflammation and bleeding of gums.  Do you already know that gum disease when untreated at its earlier phase can bring about receding gums and in the end loosening of your teeth?  Receding gums is probably the symptoms of gum disease. You will easily identify diminishing gums because the veins of your teeth are exposed.  Looking at yourself in the mirror you can easily recognize your gum disease has worsened.
People around 40 years of age as well as pregnant women are prone to periodontal disease.  Adults that have weak disease fighting capability as well as neglects cleaning of their teeth when they were young easily buy gum illnesses.  Gum disease like periodontitis does not occur overnight. It waits for its right timing to surface or even resurface inside your mouth.
Furthermore, pregnant women have hormonal changes thus makes them vulnerable to gum diseases.  Any kind of gum disease is very risky not only the pregnant mom but many particularly to the unborn baby.  When untreated at its earlier phase, there is a greater possibility that mothers’ will give birth within an unpredicted time.
Therefore, it is vital for everyone to make sure to keep a excellent oral hygiene. Apart from brushing your teeth each day, gargling of anti-septic mouth wash can help clean up your breath. Moreover, additionally, it relieves you of terrible breath and washes away terrible bacteria.  Just make sure that all areas in your mouth are cleansed.  Proper using of dental floss can also help in your mission to eliminate periodontal disease.  Dental floss eliminates dirt that is hard to reach by your toothbrush.
In addition, your gums are now very delicate and it’s hard for you to certainly eat properly. Therefore, it is best that you use toothpaste for sensitive teeth as well as toothbrush that are soft-bristled.  This will help relieve the discomfort that you’re feeling caused by gum disease.
Professional dentist normally recommend scaling and root planing as one of the conventional periodontal disease treatment.  The procedure is conducted through deep cleaning of your mouth.  These can also be a primary method for a dental surgery. But, a surgery is only done after a thorough evaluation because surgery could be upsetting experience to many patients particularly teens.
Furthermore, after the dental surgery, many patients would most likely experience discomfort as well as uneasiness.  But, patients do not need to worry because there are over the counter medicines available to relieve the discomfort or perhaps pain they are feeling.

Dental implants engineering smile

When a dentist assesses your teeth and ascertains that they are harmful, you’re feeling upset by the actual fact that you’ll miss your teeth. The higher option is the substitution of the same. Beverly Hills Dental Implants advises you that there’s no want for you to be humiliated by the food nor the oral washes and dental adhesives for fake teeth. Consultants have improved dental concentration by advancing to dental implants. Dental implants are appeared to be the most luxurious than all dental care services. But, they are vital and have been the most advanced within the recent two decades. Since their discovery by Sweden dentist have led to improved superiority of life, majority of individuals who have lost teeth have sought dentist for dental implants. They’re made of titanium rods, which served as the ancestry of teeth. The titanium rods are nearly centimetre long. Their benefit is the convenience in that the dentist can substitute single or multiples of teeth appearing as natural and better fitting as compared to different dentures. They’re prone to breakage and infections if dental care isn’t observed.

Dental implants are either fastened by screws or cemented on the teeth. If they are hurt or dirty, deduction is wise. Most dental clinics supply services for care and suggest the most effective ways that of taking concentration of them. In case of front teeth absent, a fixed dental connection is advisable since the dental implants metal collar appears by the gum line and therefore the porcelain is pronounced as natural teeth. A dentist can perpetually offer the consideration depending on the patient’s aesthetics needs in replacing absent teeth. Patients in would like of replacing lost teeth ought to keep in mind that these operations are expensive as compared to fixed connection or a partial denture. These operations are counseled as the simplest on the market and solely choice available. It can be done as outpatient beneath common anaesthesia by dentists and oral surgeons. Dental Implants Los Angeles heal inside two to six months. After healing period, it is capped by a realistic aesthetic crown. They’re durable, sturdy, and perform a lot of like real teeth. It is a truth that these artificial fixtures will never completely happen the operate of natural teeth. Most importantly, they should not be hooked up for the sole purpose of cosmetic enhancement.

Really different approaches are used to place a dental embed in substitution of a missing tooth or extraction. They vary from immediate post-extraction embed placement, delayed between two- three months when extraction to late embed i.e. three months or additional when extraction. Success trusted the dentist skills, quality and amount of the bone available. It is assumed to be ninety five% for all implants. Success factors are achieved if maintenance of implant steadiness in which represented by embed. It’s failure if it loses its mobility or show Peri- insert bone loss of greater than mm within a year and 0.a pair of mm when a year. Dentist winding up dental implants should be absolutely trained and the legal regulation varies between countries. Dental relationship plays a pivot task in that they don’t cause a fantastic harm and distress to patients. Dental involvement is willing to help ought to there be any predicaments. It’s obvious that these are currently famed in their field. Right, dental implants may not answer all kinds of tooth injury, but eligible patients can surely benefit from the implant’s blessing.

3 Hassle-free Organic Heartburn Relief Secrets And Techniques

Heartburn, as the title goes is really practically nothing relevant to your heart. It is just a digestive quandary that arises when the stomach acid rises and on connection with the esophagus makes a burning sensation or discomfort. Some people throughout the entire world suffer from the challenge of heartburn immediately after getting their meals.There is sizeable reviews learned with regards to folks struggling from heartburn in excess of 3 times every week. It is usually customarily because of to our foods behavior and our living styles. People of us that are not mindful about what they try to eat get prone to heartburn very often. On top of that to this people young and ancient who smoke and consume a lot of alcohol, set on their own up for your heartburn.Properly time has arrive to remove like dilemmas pretty instantly and in the home. Listed below are some all natural heartburn relief solutions, which might lead you through the plot of becoming healthy heartburn relief free of consulting a doctor and without having to adhere to medicated supplements and various goods* Not all meals are superb for our model and our wellbeing. Averting meals that include excess fats and tomatoes is nice for our health. Heartburn is principally caused by drinks containing caffeine and the majority of the sodas. Consumption of alcohol and fruit juices might be stopped or diligently monitored* Individuals suffering from heartburn troubles should have smaller meals typically. A total abdomen mostly puts further strain in the sphincter among the esophagus as well as the stomach.* Offering your abdomen the ample time to procedure the foods is quite obligatory. You need to not head over to bed straight away when meals if you ever suffer from heartburn concerns.They are several of the procedures that might feature all-natural heart burn relief. These are often experimented with out at your home by customers that suffer in the heartburn dilemmas and want organic heartburn relief.I myself confronted this difficulty some many years again and then I learned a pure way which helped me to treatment my heartburn working with a healthy heartburn relief answer. It was honestly very helpful and valuable. I was surely able to sleep peacefully once the use of this heartburn information. It completely eliminated my chest drawback as well as the burning sensation that used to have an affect on my snooze any evening. With out any medication or surgeries I used to be in a position to get organic heartburn relief.
Should you are tired of continual heartburn then you definately positively will aspire to check out the direct described as heartburn no a excellent deal more. Study the heartburn no more review. Heartburn no more scam or not? Find out at Digital Product Reviews at your fingertips. Place a stop to living with heartburn immediately!

Serious Heartburn – Break Complimentary With Persistent Heartburn

Chronic heartburn is without doubt one of the issues that countless consumers face every single day. This is a really serious gastric problem. A majority of them really do not know that this is simply not brought on only because of the meals you try to eat. Heartburn takes place if the stomach from your acid travels up into your esophagus. This takes place as soon as you lie down at once immediately after possessing a meal. Continual heartburn could cause lots of discomfort. It may lead to chest pains and will certainly not give you a audio sleep.A few of the food items which can cause heartburn comprise chocolates, fatty meals, citrus juices, alcohol and fried things. We will want to have our meals two to a few hours in advance of we go to bed. Persons who skip their meals and overeat afterwards may even knowledge heartburn. The more you try to eat the greater acid with the abdomen gets increased which normally takes a while to digest the foods. Its constantly effective to possess minor meals on a daily basis to scale back the risk of getting persistent heartburn. Smokers will also be at a fantastic risk of getting heartburn. Check out to avoid tobacco. You should not have on restricted apparel once consuming. This could raise the pressure inside stomach and will push the acid again to your meals pipe.Weight problems also can bring about long-term heartburn. Exercise regular to lessen the body weight. For people with dilemmas when sleeping inside the evening, maintain your head in elevated position to obtain relief from these warning signs. Stay clear of spicy meals, tomato sauce, espresso and uncooked onions because they can cause heartburn. Just take measures in order to avoid the vital things that lead to heartburn. Tend not to depart it untreated as it can cause major conditions which might injury the esophagus. When your heartburn is straightforward just stay away from the meals if practical. Drink ample drinking water when you really feel thirsty in its place of taking carbonated drinks. Carbohydrates and starch based foods are extraordinarily really excellent.A cup of green tea all day will lower heartburn since it reduces the unwelcome toxic compounds from your system. Its highly recommended to consult a physician in the event you frequently knowledge heartburn. Previously starting with any kind of mediation it truly is wonderful to obtain the enable of your general practitioner as he can recommend the appropriate variety of remedy that perfect suits you. Never get discomfort killers to remove the soreness. A mixture of alterations to food regimen and way of living and also a ideal kind of healthy overcome is the most beneficial solutions for serious heartburn.Men and women primarily go for all natural heal as it could be the cheapest along with the ideal an individual. Quick prevention isn’t plausible for persistent heartburn yet a balanced weight loss program may help you in order to avoid the signs and symptoms that induce the disorder.
As soon as you are tired of persistent heartburn then you certainly without a doubt will want to investigate out the manual termed heartburn no a small more. Browse the heartburn no more review. Heartburn no more scam or not? Determine at Digital Product Reviews at your fingertips. Quit living with heartburn immediately!

What’s Invisalign and What are Its Benefits

Invisalign refers to a series of transparent and removable teeth aligners that are utilized by each dentists and orthodontists rather than traditional metal braces. Back in April 2008, a lot of Invisalign Beverly Hills than 700,000 folks used this teeth correction technique or were shut to finishing the method.
The invisalign is artificial, premeditated and marketed by an organization primarily based in Santa Clara. It’s a medical device company referred to as Align Technology. There are a minimum of thirty five, 790 doctors that are trained to produce the Invisalign treatment within the US and a mean forty eight,one hundred thirty doctors across the globe.
Since the aligners are clear, they’re less visible than the traditional wire braces that are terribly eye-catching. It makes the Invisalign more in style with adults with defective teeth, but isn’t willing to wear the ancient wire and metal braces worn mostly by kids and teenagers. Besides, the manufacturers claim that the aligners are more comfortable than the traditional braces. The device is also versatile since it will be easily removed when you are eating, thereby saving the patient the unnecessary hassle of bearing with the torture of eating with metal braces attached to the teeth.
The aligners have been clinically proven to avoid many of the aspect effects of the traditionally fixed appliances on the supporting tissues and the gums. Many of the traditional treatment programs are attributed with inflicting aspect effects like root reduction (shortening of teeth roots) during a excellent number of patients. fifty% of patients are affected by tooth decay or demineralization. The main reason for these side effects is the very fact that the traditional aligners cannot be removed when consumption or brushing teeth. Another common problem ascribed to traditional aligners is that they forestall taking right x-rays.
The aligners are offered in several sizes. Patients are supplied with a collection of aligners and that they continue graduating from one set to a different until they need reached their desired teeth appearance. The Invisalign aligners are changed weekly, not like the ancient aligners that are in the swing of things once every vi weeks. The level of pain knowledgeable by patients using Invisalign is less than that experienced when using the ancient braces. The long periods of more than five weeks taken before the fixed appliances are in the swing of things means that they have to be mounted terribly tightly thereby having to apply excessive pressure.
Invisalign aligners are designed such that when the patient desires to let the teeth relax or after they want to brush their teeth, eat, drink or have the teeth checked by a doctor, the procedure can be accomplished easily. This is often because the aligners will be removed simply and as often as you choose. Patients using the devices haven’t any dietary or food restrictions since the aligners are tolerant to a giant variety of foods.
The patients should additionally perceive that computerized treatment is part of the Invisalign method. A programmed set up is developed for patients even before the procedure is done to help purchasers see the sort of smile they should expect. Understanding the set up and also the healing period are essential to help in making a additional informed choice.
The management of Invisalign has additionally been reported to be quicker than that of the traditional Invisalign Beverly Hills treatment. Clinical analysis that was conducted showed that alternative management programs needed a median treatment time of concerning 35.ninety two months with a maximum length of up to 96 months. Invisalign needs treatment ranging between 12 and eighteen months.
Alternative research showed that Invisalign has the aptitude of acquiring straighter teeth than the alternatives, but the results later relapsed to resemble those bought using different methods. Though the Invisalign methodology will be said to be quicker, it’s been challenged by a selection of other quicker strategies like dental implants.

Orthodontist Leeds

Majority of people have no thought how to take care of their teeth as required which they end up being fragile and terrible too.   Teeth do a fantastic part in aiding ease digestion of food specifically in nibbling and crunching, and it’s also an vital part of a smile.  A tremendous number of people are generally self-conscious and hide their smile because of dreadful teeth.  Cosmetic Dentist Leeds can reverse this problem and rebuild the hurt or lost self esteem, confidence, and facial look and feel as well as enhance inter-relational activities.
Orthodontist Leeds is one of the fastest rising industries in the United Kingdom.  A variety of technologies with expert touch allows people of most ages as well as colors with crowded, misaligned or perhaps spaced teeth to get yourself a smile in understanding that their teeth may be corrected.  Ortho Solutions offers top quality orthodontist Leeds dental hygiene at reasonable prices exactly where this miracle can happen in a small period of time.
To maintain cosmetic teeth sturdy and healthy, it is vital to exercise oral hygiene by regularly scrubbing and flossing between the teeth and completely rinsing when finished.  It is also imperative to regularly visit a dental practitioner for a check up for any potential teeth concerns and to be sure that teeth are generally developing appropriately as you grow.
Very poor oral care causes gum diseases which is an infection in the tissues as well as bones that support teeth and also a person risks acquiring heart disease.  Acquiring tooth decay may lead to an individual loosing a tooth and this severely impacts one’s eating patterns and other psychological issues as well.
Cosmetic dentistry Leeds dentists have prepared extensively all over the world horning their techniques in giving the top in patient care in an elevated eminent dentistry, cozy and homely atmosphere.  They treat all issues with family dental treatment including common check ups, personal hygiene, oral cancer testing, replacements, fillings, root canal treatment plans and teeth implants.
At Cosmetic dentistry Leeds concerning one’s initial appointment; a aesthetic dentist Leeds advise and clarify a treatment plot, giving selection where practical and only proceed with procedure when one agrees.  In addition they offer no cost consultation.  Preceding consultation is very vital, it helps pinpoint if one is in excellent shape for dental implant.  Specific health problems such as chronic diseases warrant specific consideration, while quite heavy smoking and alcohol abuse may contradict implant medication.  After careful evaluation of your overall health, they enable you to learn of any circumstances that may affect your medication.  Once the check up is finished, they offer an individual presents just like tooth brushes plus dental floss meant for use at home.
Ortho solutions has become the leading dentistry in Yorkshire that gives their patients by having a permanent treatment for their dental issues by surgically supplying a fully useful replacement of missing teeth that really resemble one’s all-natural teeth that truly feel and function like your own.  In addition they offer tips on how to take care and for just how long one could be on therapy based with the implant.

How to Clean Your Tongue

Plenty of people dutifully wash their particular pearly white’s whenever they rise plus all over again just before they’re going so that you can your bed, nonetheless a lot less take the time to sweep their particular language. What a humiliation because tongues need clean-up also. The top of one’s language is covered along with tiny blobs identified as papillae. These kind of papillae residence the flavour pot that allow you to have fun with the lovely flavor associated with an frozen treats spool or the high sodium tastes of your spud nick. But they could also possess harmful bacteria, food particles along with scalp. Yuck! This is exactly why it’s vital to take some time to clean up your tongue in your house.
How you can Cleanse Your own Language at Home
You won’t have to have any particular apparatus to wash the language, while some sort of language scrape will make the job less hard. Any language remover is the best different for many who choke conveniently. To do excellent language cleansing, you ought to be able to get to the rear of one’s tongue given that there may be in which lots of the meal dirt and bacterias are usually covering up. Some sort of language scrape makes it simpler to try this.
Using some sort of Language Scraper
You can aquire your tongue scraper from lots of drugstores and on the internet. You’ll find reasonably priced types made of cheap at drugstores, but also for a small bit far more you may get a metal the one that lasts lengthier and will also be quicker to clear.
Upon having some sort of tongue remover, lovely get started. Open your mouth and set the actual language scrape seeing that long ago as part of your oral cavity when you pleasantly may. Media along lightly as well as transfer this scraper send, the constant maintenance to not ever utilize an excessive amount of compel. Always rinse the scraper by using normal water to remove virtually any trash. Subsequently turn to yet another part of the tongue plus repeat the process applying lighting stress, taking excellent care to wash just after each and every scraping. You ought to be qualified to include your own tongue having several chafes. When you have completed, wash the mouth diligently by using tepid water, plus swish a anti-bacterial mouth wash all around in your oral cavity.
It’s vital to not to ever always be also extreme whenever you clean your own tongue, as you’re can hurt the delicate palette. Become soothing. You wish to keep the language healthy in order to have fun with the taste of your food items.
You Can Use a Tooth brush to clean up Your current Tongue Way too
Minus a language remover, work with a smooth tooth brush to carefully clean up ones language making use of lumination pressure. Rinse the bristles with domestic hot water following just about every cross. You may have to perform the tooth brush above the language some further periods given that your toothbrush isn’t going to deliver the results when efficiently for a language scraper. After you’ve completed, thoroughly wash the mouth area.
Study your current tongue, and make certain it’s clean and healthy. You may notice any white colored layer on the language of which continues just after learning, confer with your medical doctor or perhaps dental practice. It might be by mouth thrush. Yeast infection is usually a infection which will seem just after consuming prescription medication and also but if your defense mechanisms can be under control. When you’ve got this condition, it is advisable to figure out why as it generally is a symbol of any adverse health dilemma for instance diabetic issues, an protected insufficiency dilemma. It’s also prevalent if you are taking selected medicinal drugs including anti-biotics or perhaps prednisone.
The conclusion?
It is advisable to realize how to clear your current language at your home to enhance oral cleanliness and forestall smelly breath. Many examples connected with halitosis come from microorganisms within the jaws in which make stinky chemicals. Cleaning your tongue as well as scraping that by using tongue remover can help to stop this problem. Clear your current tongue really ( blank ) practice it in your teeth’s health.

Belajar Etiket Jamuan Makan Internasional - Table Manner

Klub majalahKartini bekerjasama dengan produsen tablewares Kedaung Group menggelar acaraTable Manner. Acara yang diikuti oleh kaum wanita dan pria diadakan di lokasishowroom Keadung Jalan Cikini Raya Jakarta.

Budi Sutomo,praktisi kuliner sebagai pengisi acara menjelasakan bagaimana tata cara makanmulai dari hidangan pembuka hingga hidangan penutup.  Selain itu,peserta juga diajarkan bagaimana cara menyusun beragam piranti makan di atas meja (table setting) dan seni melipat serbet (napkin folding). Bagi peserta yang yang beruntung, budisutomo penulis buku The Simple Art of Napkin Folding membagikan bukunya dengangratis. Selain mendapat ilmu tata cara makan yang benar, semua peserta jugamendapatkan bingkisan produk kedaung. Semoga bermanfaat ya bu...sampai ketemudi acara kartini club berikutnya. Bagi Anda yang ingin belajar tentang etiket jauman makan dan seni melipat serbet bisa dipelajari dalam buku karya Budi Sutomo berjudul The Simple Art of Napkin Folding. Buku bisa dibeli di GRAMEDIA ONLINE.


Apapun profesi Anda pasti pernah menghadiri acara jamuan makan, baik yangdiadakan di rumah, restaurant, cafe, maupun hotel berbintang. Ada sebagianorang masih merasa canggung atau nervous melihat perlengkapan makan yang begitubanyak dan beragam di saat jamuan.

Menghadiri jamuan makan sudah menjadi acara yang tidak terpisahkan darikehidupan sehari-hari masarakat kita dan tuntutan pergaulan global. Perlupengetahuan yang mendukung agar kita bisa dengan elegan mengikuti ritmejamuan.  Seperti pengunaan alat makan dan napkin  yangbenar serta urutan makan yang disarankan.

Di Saat Jamuan Makan

       Jamuan makan yang dilakukan di hotelmaupun restauran biasanya menggunakan buffet service (prasmanan). Aturanmainnya, tamu melakukan self service. Mulai dari hidangan pembuka (appetizer),menu utama (main course) sampai penutup (dessert), anda diwajibkan mengambilhidangan sendiri dan menyantap di atas meja makan yang sudah di set up pirantimakannya. Ada juga yang menggunakan american service. Aturan main pelayanannya,tamu duduk di sekeliling meja makan, sedangkan hidangan dikeluarkan secaraberurutan oleh waiter.

Dalam jamuan makan Internasional, meja makan sudah di set up alat-alat makannyasesuai menu yang akan di sajikan. Standarnya, didepan anda persis ada showplate, sebuah piring besar yang tidak digunakan untuk makan. Fungsi dari showplate hanya sebagai pemanis meja makan, menempatkan napkin dan sebagai alaspiring saji. Tahap pertama, setelah anda duduk, buka napkin dan letakan dipangkuan Anda. Jika ukuran napkin terlalu lebar, bukalah separunya saja.Gunakan alat makan, baik itu garpu, pisau, dan sendok selalu mulai dari arahpaling luar atau paling jauh dari piring. Ambil berpasangan kiri dan kanan,kecuali pisau, garpu atau sendok dessert yang letaknya di atas piring maincourse.

Hidangan Pembuka (Appetizer)
       Sebelum hidangan pembukadisajikan, pada B&B Plate ( bread & butter plate/piring roti danmentega) sudah disajikan roti dan mentega, biasanya dinner roll, soft roll ataubrioche. Roti ini disantap dengan mentega sambil menunggu hidangan pembuka tiba(salad/soup). Jangan menyantapnya dengan pisau dan garpu. Makan denganmenggunakan tangan, sobek roti dengan ukuran sekali suap dan olesi denganbutter (jika tersedia).

Pada jamuan makan lengkap, biasanya appetizer terdiri dari dua jenishidangan. Giliran pertama cold appetizer atau hidangan pembuka dingin. Ragammakanannya berupa aneka salad, shrim coktail atau cold canape (sandwich kecilyang disajikan dingin). Cara makannya dengan menggunakan pisau ditangan kanandan garpu ditangan kiri. Perhatikan bentuknya, pisau dan garpu untuk saladukurannya lebih kecil dibandingkan cutelery untuk untuk hidangan utama.

Giliran kedua hot appetizer (pembuka panas), makanan yang disajikanbiasanya aneka jenis soup. Alat hidang yang digunakan adalah mangkuk kecildengan dua telinga dan sendok soup. Bentuk sendok sup, bertangkai pendek danberujung bulat. Cara makannya, hirup soup dari tepi sendok bukan disuap dariujung sendok, jika hampir habis, miringkan cup soup sehingga anda mudahmengambilnya. Jangan sekali-kali meniup soup yang disajikan panas. Adukperlahan dan tunggu beberapa saat sampai panas agak berkurang. Anda diperkenankanmenghirup soup dari mangkok soup, dengan catatan soup disajikan dengan mangkukbertelinga (sebaiknya jangan dilakukan). Setelah selesai, letakan sendok soupdi atas saucer (alas cup soup) agar waiter lebih mudah melakukan clear up.

Hidangan Utama (main course)
       Hidangan utama biasanya berupahidangan dari daging, unggas, sea food maupun telur, baik dilengkapi sausmaupun tidak. Ada kalanya main course disajikan bersama olahan sayuran dankentang sebagai pendamping menu utama. Cara makan main course bisa dilakukandengan dua cara.

Pertama a la Amerika, makanan dipotong-potong dulu kemudian letakan pisaudi sisi kanan piring, kemudian garpu dipindahkan ke tangan kanan untuk menyuapmakanan. Gaya Eropa lain lagi, pisau selalu di tangan kanan untuk memotong danmenikmati hidangan dengan garpu menggunakan tangan kiri. Peganglah pisau dangarpu seluwes mungkin, usahakan posisi jari telunjuk tepat di atas punggunggarpu atau pisau, ini memudahkan anda saat memotong makanan dan kelihatan tidakkaku. Anda boleh menggunakan satu diantaranya yang lebih mudah bagi anda.

Hidangan utama biasanya disajikan dengan minuman penyerta. Makanan daridaging disertai dengan red wine sedangkan sea food disertai white wine. Jikaanda tidak mengkonsumsi wine, tolak dengan halus dan katakan minuman penggantiyang anda inginkan.

Hidangan Penutup (dessert)

       Hidangan penutup banyak sekaliragamnya, ada kalanya disajikan aneka cake, ice cream, pudding, potonganbuah-buahan, shorbet atau punch. Alat hidang yang digunakan berupa sendok,garpu dan pisau kecil yang diletakan pada bagian atas piring main course. Jikadessert berupa minuman yang disajikan dengan gelas disertai hiasan di atasnya,santap hiasan terlebih dahulu atau sisihkan sehingga memudahkan anda di saatmenikmatinya.

Digestif Drink

       Sering juga disebut dengan afterdinner drink, minuman ini dinikmati setelah acara jamuan makan selesai. Fungsidari sajian digestif drink adalah untuk membantu mencerna makanan. Seringdisajikan aneka minuman yang mengandung alkohol seperti, Cohnac, Brandy,Calvados atau Whiskey. Untuk para wanita umumnya lebih menyukai Apricot Brandy,Orange Liqueur atau Benedictine.

Jika anda bukan penikmat wine, mintalah dengan sopan kepada pelayan untukdiganti dengan juice, soft drink, kopi maupun teh. Untuk minuman yang disajikandengan sendok pengaduk, jangan sampai saat mengaduk sendok membentur dasarmaupun dinding cangkir sehingga mengeluarkan bunyi. Sedangkan minuman yangdisajikan dengan gelas berkaki, pegang dengan posisi jari kelingking, jarimanis dan tengah berada dikaki gelas, sedangkan ibu jari dan jari telunjukmenahan keseimbangan pada badan gelas. Adakalanya waiter menawarkan tambahanminuman, cara menolaknya cukup anda menyentuh bibir gelas dengan jari telunjukdan katakan terima kasih. Jaga jangan sampai ada noda lipstick di bibir gelasatau ujung sedotan.

Tabu Dilakukan Selama Jamuan Makan

1. Selama jamuan makan berlangsung, jangan dudukmembungkuk atau bersandar malas. Duduklah dengan tegak dengan jarak badandengan tepi meja selebar lima jari. Hindari mengembangkan kedua belah siku danmeletakannya di atas meja makan.

2. Jikajamuan dilakukan di rumah dan anda duduk satu meja dengan host (tuan rumah),jangan buka napkin sebelum tuan rumah melakukannya. Serbet makan hanyadigunakan untuk menyeka jari tangan dan bibir. Jangan sekali-kali menyekakeringat, hidung atau membersihkan peralatan makan dengan napkin.

3· Janganmenyuap makanan dengan porsi yang besar, apalagi mengunyah dengan berkecap.Kunyah makanan dengan posisi mulut tertutup dan tanpa kecap. Berbicara ketikamulut masih penuh makanan juga harus dihindari.
4· Minumdilakukan pada saat mulut tidak terisi makanan. Teguklah perlahan tanpamengeluarkan bunyi.
5· Janganberbicara atau mengambil hidangan tanpa meletakan peralatan makan terlebih dahulu.
6· Jika andamelakukan kesalahan, seperti menumpahkan minuman atau menjatuhkan alat makan.Jangan panik, segera minta maaf dengan tamu yang diduk disekeliling kita danpanggil waiter untuk membersihkannya.
7· Apabilaada hidangan yang disajikan dengan sumpit, makan dengan posisi kepala agakmenunduk agar tidak berjatuhan. Jangan menusuk makanan dengan sumpit ataumengembalikan makanan yang telah di ambil.
8· Janganmengambil makanan yang berlebihan sehingga piring anda terlihat seperti gunung.Ambil seperlunya dan tambah lagi jika anda menginginkannya.
9· Usahakanjangan meninggalkan meja selama jamuan berlangsung. Jika anda terpaksa harusmeninggalkan ruangan dan akan kembali lagi, mintalah ijin dan letakan napkin disandaran atau di dudukan kursi sebagai tanda anda akan kembali lagi.
10· Merokoksebaiknya dilakukan bila semua tamu telah selesai menyantap hidangan penutup.Biasanya dilakukan saat digestif drink pada akhir jamuan.
11· Sebisamungkin jangan menggunakan tusuk gigi di meja makan, lakukan di toilet. Jikaterpaksa dilakukan, tutup mulut anda dengan napkin atau telapak makan sebelahkiri.

12· Di akhirjamuan, sampaikan sedikit pujian kepada tuan rumah atau pihak penyelenggara,seperti makananya lezat atau suasana pestanya meriah. Ucapkan terima kasihdengan memberi senyuman dan berpamitlah.

Table Setting

Penataan meja makan di hotel dan restoran memiliki setandar internasional.Baik jenis alat makan maupun napkin. Ukuran napkin setandar jamuan resmi yangdisarankan untuk hotel dan restoran adalah 45 x 45 cm sampai dengan 50 x 50 cm.Adapun peletakan napkin biasanya diletakan di atas dinner plate atau piringmakan. Adakalanya, napkin diletakkan disebelah kiri piring makan. Berikut tablesetting atau peletakan alat makan standar internasional.

Keterangan Gambar:
  1. Place mate
  2. Garpu salad
  3. Dinner fork
  4. Show plate
  5. Dinner plate
  6. Napkin
  7. Cup soup
  8. Dinner spoon
  9. Pisau salad
  10. Soup spoon
  11. Dessert spoon
  12. Tea spoon
  13. Water goblet
  14. wine glass
  15.  Sugar and tea bowl
  16.  Sallt & pepper shaker
  17.  Jam & Marmalade bowl
  18.  Butter spreader
  19. B&B plate (bread & butter plate)
  20.  Tea & coffee cup

Etiket Penggunaan Napkin

Di dalam table setting, yang dimaksud napkin adalah serbet makan. Dalamjamuan makan, napkin memiliki fungsi dan kegunaan sebagai berikut;
  1. Menghias dan memperindah dekorasi meja makan.
  2. Menutupi pangkuan waktu makan, agar makanan dan minuman yang terjatuh tidak mengotori pakaian.
  3. Untuk membersihkan atau menyeka mulut. Ketika ada makanan atau noda yang menempel di bibir. Cara menggunakannya, tarik serbet dari pangkuan, kemudian lipat segi empat atau segi tiga. Tekan-tekan ke bibir yang terkena noda makanan. Kembalikan napkin ke pangkuan. Tidak disarankan menggosok atau menyeka bibir terlalu kuat, cukup ditekan-tekan saja.
  4. Memberikan kode atau isyarat kepada pelayan. Jika anda akan meninggalkan meja makan sebentar, misalnya ke toilet atau ada keperluan lain dan akan kembali ke meja makan. Lipat napkin segi empat dan letakan napkin di atas sandaran atau pegangan kursi. Jika kursi tidak memiliki sandaran atau pegangan, letakkan napkin di atas tempat duduk. Ini sebagai tanda kepada pelayan agar alat makan dan hidangan di atas meja makan anda tidak dibersihkan karena anda akan kembali lagi.
  5. Ketika selesai  makan, lipat napkin segi empat dan letakan di sebelah kanan atau kiri piring makan anda. Jangan membiarkan serbet ditinggalkan begitu saja tanpa dilipat, ini menandakana anda kurang memahami etiket jamuan makan.
  6. Jangan menggunakan napkin untuk mengelap ingus/kotoran hidung. Mengalungkan napkin di leher dan menutupi dada dianggap kurang etis di dalam jamuan makan.
  7. Napkin juga berfungsi sebagai menutupi mulut saat anda mengeluarkan tulang, biji atau mengambil kotoran yang terselip digigi. * Budi Sutomo